Ring-Shaped "Couronne" Rattan Proofing Basket with Alderwood Core
With this ring-shaped rattan proofing basket, you can create beautiful ring-shaped loaves like the traditional french-style Couronne Bordelaise, Couronne Bretonne or even a bread wreath. Plus, your baked goods will benefit from the fantastic proofing properties found with rattan proofing baskets. Which, like our other proofing baskets are made in Germany by traditional manufacturers. The middle core of the proofing basket uses an alderwood cone that gives ring-shaped bread its typical shape.
These proofing basket can be used without a liner, provided the basket is sufficiently dusted with flour. If you prefer to use a washable liner, I recommend a matching Linen liner. Alternatively, there is also a stretchable cotton liner available for the ring-shaped proofing basket.
What speaks for our German-made rattan proofing baskets?
Unlike most imported rattan proofing baskets, our raw material is not chemically bleached but is processed untreated. Only the best high-quality material is used by the manufacturer Herbert Birnbaum, who is located in Lower Franconia.
Weight Guidelines for this Proofing basket
The weight information refers to the weight of bread with over 50% rye flour content after baking. For other bread mixtures with a higher proportion of a grain with more volume development, such as wheat and its original forms spelt, einkorn, emmer and kamut, you should choose the next larger form. For dense multigrain breads, the next smaller form should be used.
The weight loss of bread dough during baking is approximately 10-20%, depending on the bread and baking process.
Made in Germany
- Rattan from the rattan palm with an alderwood core
Diameter: 26 cm
Bread weight up to 1250 g
Care instructions
- Proofing baskets are only suitable for proofing. The bread should never be baked in it!
- With rattan proofing baskets I recommend using a liner or else regulary tap out excess flour with a cloth so that you do not have to spray the basket with releasing agent.
- Since the proofing basket absorbs water from the dough, it must be completely dry after use to prevent mold. To do this, you can place it in the oven on a rack at residual heat (not directly on a hot baking sheet or stone).
- When dry, the proofing baskets can be stored on top of each other in a well-ventilated place.
- Rattan proofing baskets can be cleaned wet occasionally, but must then be allowed to dry completely.