Wood Pulp Proofing Basket with Waffle Pattern
The eyes have it! These Wood Pulp Proofing Basket with a waffle pattern leave a beautiful and delicate waffle pattern on your dough after proofing. This is especially striking with dark breads and gives your bread a particularly appealing look.
Advantages of wood pulp proofing baskets:
- moisture is absorbed and heat is stored
- the proofing dough come out of the floured proofing basket effortlessly
- easy cleaning with proofing basket brush
These cotton proofing basket covers are ideal for covering the dough in the proofing basket.
Click here to see our entire selection of proofing baskets.
Our wood pulp proofing baskets have been manufactured by a traditional German manufacturer in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern since the 1920s. Only spruce wood fibers from regional and sustainable forestry is used.
Blog article: Cleaning the proofing basket – How to Guide
Weight Guidelines for Wood Pulp Proofing Baskets
The weight information refers to the weight of bread with over 50% rye flour content after baking. For other bread mixtures with a higher proportion of a grain with more volume development, such as wheat and its original forms spelt, einkorn, emmer and kamut, you should choose the next larger form. For dense multigrain breads, the next smaller form should be used.
The weight loss of bread dough during baking is approximately 10-20%, depending on the bread and baking process.
Made in Germany
- spruce wood
- up to 750 g: inner dimensions 23 cm x 14.5 cm and 8 cm high
- up to 1000 g: inner dimensions 29.5 cm x 14 cm and 7 cm high
Care instructions
The wood pulp proofing basket is only suitable for proofing. The bread must not be baked in it under any circumstances!
- The wood pulp proofing basket should always be well floured before use so that the dough comes out easily.
- Since the wood pulp proofing basket absorbs water from the bread dough, it has to dry completely after each use to prevent mold.
- If necessary, you can brush off the left over flour with a dry brush. The wood pulp proofing basket should never be cleaned with water.
- When dry, your wood pulp proofing baskets can be stacked and stored in a well ventilated place.