Leinen waschen: so bleibt das Naturmaterial lange schön

Washing Linen: How to Keep this Natural Material Beautiful for Longer

Washing linen is much easier than you think. With a little detergent, plenty of water, and a low spin cycle, you can effortlessly clean your linen while preserving the beauty of its natural fibers. In seven easy steps I'll explain what to consider when washing your linen and why regional linen products are so much more environmentally friendly.
June 28, 2023
Gärkörbchen reinigen mit Bürste

Cleaning Proofing Baskets – How to Guide

Your proofing basket is indispensable in the bread-making process: it provides your bread with rest, stability, and form. In this article, you will discover how to best clean wood pulp and rattan proofing baskets, along with their appropriate covers and liners, ensuring you can enjoy them for as long as possible.
November 01, 2022
Bäckerleinen waschen ist ganz einfach

Washing Baker's Linen – A Simple Guide

Baker's linen is indispensable if you enjoy baking rolls or baguettes. You can easily wash it in the washing machine. To ensure your baker's linen lasts a long time, this article provides all the important care tips.

October 31, 2022